Moss Bros Illustrated Army List


In the mid-1930s retailer Moss Bros published a comic Army List, which included a page satirising the state of the North Irish Horse, which had by then become a 'two man Regiment'. The text is reproduced below.


Moss Bros 1


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Have ye ivver heard the story of that famous Oirish Rigiment,

The loikes of it was never seem from Larne to Donegal,

And they look so foine in green and whoite, though faith Oi'll give ye just a hint

There's not a Captain in it nor a Corporal at all:


There's a Colonel and, begorra, there's an honorary Chaplain, too,

That's there to tache the bhoys to be a credit to the corps,

And if they had some shquadrons, sure 'tis foine they'd look and iligint

With their green plumes all a-wavin' and the Colonel to the fore.


They never sound reveille, faith, they haven't any thrumpeterr,

And there's divil liftinint or a sargint in the force,

But when the bugle blows for the bhoys to go to war,

They'll be ridin' off to glory on the North Oirish Horse.


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